Romans 6:23
We have spent the last few studies looking at sin and its effects, as well as Jesus and the work that he did to offer us the gift of salvation.
We are going to take the next few studies to look at exactly how God is calling us to receive this gift.
Acts 1:1-5
The events that take place in Acts 1 immediately follow the events of the cross and resurrection.
We see Jesus convincing his followers that he is alive.
However, their ministry had not begun yet, and they were told to 'wait.’
The New Testament covenant has not arrived yet.
Acts 2:1-4
The apostles are filled with the Holy Spirit. The baptism of the Holy Spirit is the beginning of their ministry in the New Testament covenant. Jesus actually lived and died under the Old Testament covenant.
Acts 2:22-24
The apostles focus on what Jesus had done and how they crucified him but God raised him from the dead.
This is the first time the gospel message is preached.
Acts 2:36-41
Q. How did they feel when Peter tells these Jews they killed the Messiah?
• They felt cut to the heart because they realized they were responsible for killing Jesus.
Q. What does it mean to you to be cut to the heart?
Shouldn’t we feel the same? Jesus died for our sin. We should be cut to the heart also.
Q. How does he call them to respond to have the wall of sin come down?
He calls them to repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Repentance is essential to receive forgiveness and the gift of the Holy Spirit. It includes “radical change.”
Repentance is a turning, or a changing.
The Greek term for repentance is “metanoia” which signifies a “turning” or a “change of mind and heart.”
Repentance is a change of mind, heart, and allegiance.
A change of mind from viewing your life from a secular mindset to making God the center of your life.
You change your heart in that you turn to loving God over loving self.
You change your allegiance from serving yourself to putting God first in your life.
Luke 13:1-5
Q. What do you see here?
Repentance is essential to salvation. Jesus says without repenting we will perish.
Four Characteristics of Repentance
Acts 26:19-20: The Deeds of Repentance
Q. What do you see here?
True repentance is shown by the deeds that accompany it. Repentance is a change of heart.
Q. Have you ever had that kind of change in your life? If so, what changed in your life?
Mark 9:42-48: The Radicalness of Repentance
Q. What do you see here?
Repentance is a radical change of heart in getting rid of sin.
Repentance is an attitude of hatred toward sin; it is running away from sin.
Q. Is this your attitude toward sin? If not, are you willing to adopt this attitude?
2 Corinthians 7:8-11: The Fruit of Repentance
Q. What do you see here?
Sorrow and repentance are not the same thing. There can be sorrow without repentance.
Only godly sorrow produces repentance.
Q. What does repentance look like?
Earnestness – serious/sincere about changing.
Eagerness to clear – a desire to know.
Indignation – Upset at self for where you’ve been.
Alarm – Urgency, I want to get it right.
Q. Have you ever repented in this manner? If not, what do you need to repent of?
Acts 3:17-19: The Result – The Refreshment of Repentance
Q. What does Peter say is the result of repentance?
Times of refreshing. This is an ongoing process and not just a one-time repentance.
This is the atmosphere you see at church. The people that have been broken and have repented are the most joyful people. Repentance brings refreshment.
Q. Are you ready to be refreshed by repentance?
We will continue to study repentance through the lens of discipleship in our next study.
Big Idea
Saving faith in Jesus is not a dead faith, but a faith that includes repentance. This lesson shows the necessity of repentance, what it is, and what the results of repentance will look like.
Key words: “radical change”