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Following the pattern of Acts 6, in the fall of 2020, the Boston Church leadership appointed the SCUAD to better address social, cultural, unity and diversity needs in our church.


  • Matthew 28: Jesus' commission and vision: “Go make disciples of all nations.” God built the Boston Church to be a large, loving and faithful church that was multiracial from its beginning in 1979.

  • John 17: Jesus prayed for us to be one. A diverse church does not always mean a unified church. To grow deeper in unity, the needs of our multicultural people must be addressed.


  • Greater unity. (Ephesians 4:3)

  • Greater love for one another. Helping every member regardless of culture, race, nationality, etc. feel respected and valued. (John 15:13, Romans 15:7)

  • Greater effectiveness in reaching all nations. (Matthew 5:13, Matthew 28:18)


  • Listen to and evaluate how the morals and values of American culture impact the Boston Church of Christ

  • Discern and address the racial, social, and cultural challenges within the Boston Church of Christ

  • Identify the important and urgent issues and how they can affect the social and cultural harmony within the Boston Church of Christ

  • Provide guidance in the form of education and training opportunities for local SCUADs and members in general

  • Equip local SCUADs with ideas and tools to help promote regional needs of unity, greater love, respect, value for one another, and compassion in order to effectively reach all nations.

Lesson 1: Jesus is King

As Christians, we are part of a different kingdom. Jesus is our King. We are not part of the empires of this world. Watch the video to learn more.

Lesson 2: Love and Respect

How does the kingdom of God shape the way we interact, engage with, and express ourselves to others? Watch now to learn more.

Bonus Video: A Biblical Path to De-escalation

Boston Church Elder Darryl Owens gives practical tips on how to de-escalate challenging situation.

The Kingdom of God and Politics

How should we handle the current political climate as a Christian?

Created Summer 2024

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